WISE is actively investing in future-oriented businesses based on new and innovative technologies that are expected to serve as new growth engines. From start-ups to established companies, we provide a comprehensive solution, which includes not only investment funds but also management support, technical support, and marketing support.

Joint-venture, Translation Business
Established solid business infrastructure supporting Vietnam and South-East Asian translation markets. Grown-up as a profitable and sustainable business as well as top language service provider in the region.
2. WISE-AZ Trading JSC (Jun 2016)
Joint-venture, Fashion Business
Develops proprietary fashion brands targeting Vietnam local market. Steady growth in sales and brand recognition.
3. SYSMETIC INC (Jan 2019)
Equity investment, AI News Services
Award-winning business model. Collects millions of daily news from all over the world. Classifies and delivers summarized news to users.
4. OPSTINE INC (Apr 2019)
Equity investment, Pet Nutrition Business
Unique business model developing tailored nutrition foods for old-aged pets. Successfully launched and gained market interests.
5. Investment Fund with The Invention Lab (Aug 2019)
A major LP of the fund
Designed for startup acceleration specifically for startups targeting Vietnam market
6. A Cosmetic Company (Oct 2019)
Equity investment, a cosmetic company
Develops cosmetics and sells overseas. The company has long-time trustworthy global distribution networks.


Send us your ideas
If you have an innovative business plan, please leave us a memo here. If you want to send us a detailed business proposal, please send an email to inquiry@wisest.co.kr